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Product ICF ACC Credential Mentoring 1:1

ICF ACC Credential Mentoring

According to the ICF, “credential-holders are part of a self-regulating group of elite coaches who provide accountability to clients and the coaching profession as a whole. They pursue and complete rigorous education and practice requirements that provide unquestioned legitimacy to their commitment to excellence in coaching.”


Additionally, ICF credentialed coaches adhere to the highest code of ethics in the profession.

What does this mean for you?

This means that you will have more credibility.  With more credibility, you will gain confidence, make an impact, increase your income, and master your business.

Do you want more credibility, confidence, impact, and income in your business?

Here is what you can expect from me as your ICF mentor coach:

  1. Ensure that we both are clear about the purpose of the mentoring.
  2. Establish measures of success in our partnership.
  3. Inform you regarding all aspects of the ICF Code of Ethics.
  4. Inform you of the availability of the Ethical Conduct Review Board.
  5. Ensure we are the best match for your Mentoring journey.
  6. Focus on core competency development by reviewing and providing oral and written feedback on a series of your coaching sessions. These sessions are to be conducted one at a time, with a feedback session between each one, giving enough time between sessions to allow for incorporation of your learning and development.
  7. Provide specific verbal and/or written feedback, using targeted examples from the sessions so that: a. You will know exactly what you are doing well. b. You understand what needs to be done to develop a deeper level of mastery in coaching.
  8. Help you choose the best recording(s) for your application.

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Payment structure 1820.00 USD split into 4 payments of 455 USD every 30 days

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1st payment of 455.00 USD